Our Blog

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Your Balls in the Air…Ryan Serhant
In Business and in life, we seem to be 'juggling' tasks and opportunities like balls in the air. I for one, am not anywhere near inept at real juggling but put multiple business opportunities in front of me and I look like a master.In the first couple of chapters of...
What NOT to do in Business to be Successful
Here's What Not to do in Business Everyday you come across someone or a Company that promotes how they can help you be more successful in your business. "Five sure fire techniques to make your Company grow" "Do this today and see results tomorrow" "Key steps to...
Latest Blog Site Post on Business Success and Confidence
Just completed my latest post on www.larryclarkblog.com on the importance of Confidence in Business Success. http://www.larryclarkblog.com/business-success-comes-one-crucial-thing/
How Not To Do Sales – Beginner Lesson 101
A Helpful Lesson on What Not to Do on a Initial Sales Call After receiving an unsolicited sales call yesterday, I thought I would share some insight on how not to approach someone or a Company on a 'cold call'. Let me set the scene for you. Phone rings "Hello, I am...
Larry Clark Marketing Blog
A big warm welcome to my personal site…Larry Clark Blog.
As someone who is past his mid 50’s, life has given me allot of twists and turns. From starting a law enforcement career at 21 years of age, to becoming an entrepreneur, owning three businesses and helping others in their life and business journey’s. I have been a blessed man and I truly believe my latter years will be better that my former.